31.03.2014. NeReLa Web Platform launched


Thanks to the collaboration with Tempus project WBCInno communication web platform NeReLa Web Platform is now available for the members of NeReLa consortium for the purpose of technical and financial management and reporting.



14.02.2014. 10 - 11.02.2014, Brussels, Tempus project representatives’ meeting


Prof. Radojka Krneta as project coordinator and Prof. Andreja Rojko as representative of EU partner institutions have participated at Tempus project representatives’ meeting on February, 10-11th, 2014 in Brussels, organized by EACEA. 


Participation at Tempus project representatives’ meeting


Prof. Radojka Krneta as project coordinator and Prof. Andreja Rojko as representative of EU partner institutions have participated at Tempus project representatives’ meeting on February, 10-11th, 2014 in Brussels, organized by EACEA. During the meeting they have attended two plenary session and two workshops devoted to managing of Tempus projects, contractual and financial issues as well as to reporting activities. Also, representatives of NeReLa project have had many useful meetings and discussions with other participants with whom they have exchanged views and experiences concerning managing and starting activities of ongoing Tempus projects.


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