25.08.2014. Study visit to BEST CYBERNETICS Company, 16. 7 - 20. 7.  2014


Staff from Serbian partner institutions University of Kragujevac, Association of Electrotechnical Vocational Secondary Schools, Network of Regional Centers for Vocational Schools Teachers Professional Development and Balkan Distance Education Network (BADEN) participated in study visit to BEST Cybernetics company in Patras, Greece, within realization of DEV1.1 project activity, from 16.07 - 20.07.2014. The several activities were planned and successfully achieved during this study visit, such as:


- Getting to know with current activities of BEST Cybernetics Company

- Introduction of 360° degree assessment system

- Entation of Distance Education Technologies and Media Utilization in Vocational Education used by BEST Cybernetics

- Getting familiar with language E-learning tool for vocations

- Getting familiar with the virtual language courses of SH@RE (Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation)

- Presentation of Design of the Electronic Course on eGovernment Interoperability Essentials – The case of ELGI (Leonardo da Vinci – Multilateral) project

- Presentation of NeReLa activities achieved so far as well as forthcoming NereLa activities



List of participants

Mission report


Photo Gallery